Furniture & Bed
Furniture & Bed
Use our Smart-Request for a Job system and get up to 15 offers from the businesses.
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Toronto / Ontario
"I heard about stashoffer from my friend and decided to give it a try. I had a amazing experience, and definitely recommend it for any kind of service offers you are looking for."
Toronto / Ontario
"The website is very unique and totally different from what I anticipated. How easy stashoffer made it to get offers and choose the ones that suits you the best, without going anywhere out."
Toronto / Ontario
"At first, I couldn’t believe that I could get various jobs for my kids’ room paint job for free. I was able to get the satisfactory offer without any physical botheration"
Toronto / Ontario
"I would undoubtedly recommend stashoffer. Very easy way to get many offers from different professionals. Will definitely use it again."
Toronto / Ontario
"The best part is, nobody annoyed me with annoying calls or texts. Only the company that I confirmed, reached out to me for any further details."
Toronto / Ontario
"The experience was promising. It took few minutes to request a jobs, otherwise, I think I would have called or drove to different offices on my own. Good job done for me. Thank you"